
No-Shave November

No-Shave November is an annual event that takes place in the month of November, similarly to that of Movember.

The event encourages men, and women, to forego shaving during the entirety of the month and donate the money that would have been spent for shaving equipment to charity. No-Shave November's mission is “a web-based, non-profit organization devoted to growing cancer awareness and raising funds to support cancer prevention, research, and education.” This happens with the help of embracing one's hair, wherever it may grow, and letting it go wild.

Because all hair is to be grown during November, there may be work-related issues with it. The organization mentions that grooming and trimming can be done if it's required for your job. They do not impose any rules.

  • no-shave-november.txt
  • Last modified: 9 years ago
  • by Cemmos