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blog:beard-care [2016/08/29 12:42]
Cemmos created
blog:beard-care [2021/06/18 19:24] (current)
Cemmos Hide blogs in favor of articles domain
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 ====== Beard Care & Maintenance ====== ====== Beard Care & Maintenance ======
 Contrary to popular belief, beards are not grown by lazy men that just can't take the time to shave. In fact, growing and maintaining a beard is much more work than shaving or trimming down to skin, and seeing anything longer than stubble on a guy is always intentional. Contrary to popular belief, beards are not grown by lazy men that just can't take the time to shave. In fact, growing and maintaining a beard is much more work than shaving or trimming down to skin, and seeing anything longer than stubble on a guy is always intentional.
  • blog/beard-care.txt
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by Cemmos