
Beard Wash

Washing a beard is simple and keeps it hygienic, smelling good, and feeling soft. Men opt to use either regular shampoo or soap, or purchase beard-specific shampoos or soaps. Whatever the case, the rule of thumb when it comes to washing one's beard is to do so as least often as possible. The less a beard is washed, the less chance it has of breakage, beardruff, and general dryness of the hair.

Rinsing a beard, on the other hand, should be done as often as needed. Washing is when a soap or shampoo is used, while rinsing is using just plain water (such as when you're in the shower).

It is recommended not to use a regular shampoo that is intended for the head, as the scalp and its hair are different from the face and its hair. Many times you'll find harsh penetrating ingredients in shampoos and DHT blocking ingredients. While washes may not be particularly detrimental to DHT as they are rinsed off shortly after, looking out for those penetrating ingredients such as propylene glycol, if there are DHT blockers, should be done by the most diligent beardsman.

The above is why soaps are recommended over shampoos when it comes to cleaning your beard and facial hair. If one is clean shaven, he is very likely to use only soap to wash his face. When one grows a beard, this should remain the same.

Using natural or non-harsh facial soaps will keep your skin and facial hair much healthier than a shampoo and generally won't contain penetrating ingredients. If soaps then include DHT blocking ingredients, it will likely be for scent and will also not be able to penetrate the skin's barrier, being rinsed off moments later.

Beard shampoo is produced and marketed more than beard soap, making it a popular and easy-to-find solution to cleaning facial hair.

A beard soap is normally a large bar of soap, containing only natural ingredients that are not harsh on the face.

Whether at the sink or in the shower, washing a beard remains simple but necessary.

  1. Rinse beard with water, thoroughly soaking it
  2. Using your soap or shampoo, lather between your wet hands
  3. Once the lather has built up, massage gently into beard, paying particular attention to the skin underneath
  4. After a few seconds of lathering your beard, rinse it out thoroughly with water
  5. Pat dry beard with cotton cloth

Remember to pat dry your beard. When trying to keep a beard as healthy as possible, reducing the amount of damage through washing, drying, and styling during every session is necessary.

Damage builds up over time, and those with larger beards will notice it if they are neglectful. While shorter beardsman may not need to be as careful, following certain principles can only ever be helpful.

  • beard-wash.txt
  • Last modified: 9 years ago
  • by Cemmos